June 14, 2012

TMCC Seminar On Marketing - A Sure Way To Create Value Across The Business Tanzania Marketing Communication Conference (TMCC) Presents: Marketing for Non-Marketing Executives in the Private, Public and Non-profit sectors.

Join us on June 29th in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, for a one day intensive seminar on Marketing for Non-Marketing Executives at the prestigious BOT Conference Hall in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Non Marketing Executives tend not to appreciate the fundamental role Marketing plays in the overall success of the organization. Also, we are increasingly seeing executives with non commercial backgrounds assume oversight function (role) over Marketing. They have the leadership and functional competence but do NOT understand the basis of marketing decisions and hence tend to frustrate Marketing efforts.

Also, Non-profits must begin to seek for ways to engage their publics effectively to ensure stakeholder collaboration in creating sustainable value. Donor funds may not always be there, the value we create will continue to speak for us if we do it well. We need marketing to achieve this.

You’ll get a better understanding of the marketing decision process:
• Acquire basic marketing concepts to identify, evaluate and contribute positively in solving marketing problems
• Understand what it takes to develop a marketing plan that is compelling and capable of creating sustainable value
• Understand the “why’s” behind basic marketing decisions and practices.

Topics for discussion:

1. The Role of Marketing in Any Enterprise – Eddie P. Rodgers, CEO, PUSH Observer, Tanzania
2. The Marketing Planning Process – Ephraim Mafuru, Marketing Director, Serengeti Breweries
3. Return On Investment on Marketing Initiatives – Frank Maina, CEO of Sponge East Africa, based in Kenya.
4. Marketing for Non-profits – Kalu, Value Creation Consultant & Managing Partner, Customer Passion Point Limited

Mode Of Seminar:

a. Presentations. b. Case studies and c. Feedback session.

Who Should Attend:

CEOs, Heads of NGOs, Executives with Non Marketing background in Public, Private and Nonprofit organizations as well as Product, Brand and Advertising managers, business professionals and executives who need to understand the role marketing plays in creating sustainable value.

Ways to Register:

Register online at www.marketinginitiativeltd.com or Call Ikechukwu Kalu (+255 773 441964) or Rodgers (+255 788 077098)
Email info@marketinginitiativesltd.com

Date: June 29th, 2012. Time: 9:00 to 17:00 hrs. Venue: Serena Hotel, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Fee: Tsh200,000 only per person or Tsh1,500,000 for a table of 10.

Hurry register before 15th June and enjoy 10% Discount.

Organized by: Marketing Initiatives Limited.

Partnership with: PUSH Observer, Clouds Media, Daily News, Serena Hotels, Aggrey & Clifford, Delfina, Mark-Ad, Customer Passion Point & East Africa Unique.

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