June 21, 2012

United States African Development Fund supports Mang'ula Farmers Association

The United States African Development Fund (USADF) has provided a Tshs 150,820,000 (USD 100,000) grant to Mang'ula Farmers Association (MAFA) to enable the association implement its capacity building project. MAFA which is formed by 107 active members, 69 women and 38 men engaged in growing, processing and marketing rice in the famous Kilombero Valley seeks to improve its governance, management and operational procedures and its technical capacities in establishing and running a Warehouse Receipt System with an ultimate goal of improving lives of its members and their communities. Pictured are USADF Tanzania Country Program Coordinator Godfrey Kassanga (center) presenting an official grant document to MAFA's secretary Suna Kassim Kulolela (third from left) during a grant signing ceremony held at USADF offices in Dar es Salaam on June 20, 2012.  Others present were the USAID Trade and Investment Advisor Eric Johnson, Managing Director of Centre for Sustainable Development Initiative (CSDI) William Massawe (left), MAFA's Chairperson Praxeda John Kamile (third from right), CSDI's Business Development Officer, Castro Asel (second from right)  and Association's Treasurer Ester Sagasa (right). (Photo courtesy of the American Embassy)

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