March 8, 2013

CHAMPION Project in Tanzania Receives Avon Global Communications Award for Combatting Violence against Women

On March 7, the CHAMPION project in Tanzania, sponsored by the United States Agency for International Development, received one of five Avon Communications Awards: Speaking Out about Violence against Women.  The CHAMPION project is funded by the American People as part of the United States President’s Emergency Fund for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), The CHAMPION Project received the award for their work on the Kuwa Mfano wa Kuigwa (Be a Role Model) mass media campaign.  Actress and Avon Foundation for Women Ambassador Salma Hayek Pinault presented the awards in New York during an adjunct event to the 57th session of the Commission of the Status of Women at the United Nations.

The CHAMPION Project’s Kuwa Mfano wa Kuigwa campaign  is part of a five-year effort to engage men in Tanzania by increasing their involvement in addressing the underlying gender issues and power imbalances in relationships. The campaign, which was launched in Tanzania in collaboration with the Ministry of Community Development, Gender and Children in December 2011, aims to turn men from bystanders to champions with its key message, “Violence is everyone’s problem. Be a role model. Earn respect by standing up to violence.”

For the Avon Communications Award, an international panel of judges selected Kuwa Mfano wa Kuigwa from more than 425 submissions by 119 organizations in 46 countries, ranging from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe.  The CHAMPION project, implemented by EngenderHealth in Tanzania with communications support from FHI360, was one of five global entities to receive the prestigious award.  The award recognizes outstanding communications campaigns that are helping change communities, policies, institutions, and behaviors to end violence against women. The winners will each receive an Avon Foundation grant to continue their work speaking out against violence against women. 

 “People are willing to speak out, but they don’t always know how to recognize the signs of abuse or how best to intervene,” said Sheri McCoy, the Chief Executive Officer of Avon Products, Inc., at the awards ceremony. “Avon believes communications and education will help bystanders become interveners and help break the cycle of violence, which is why the Avon Speak Out against Domestic Violence program is honoring these communications awards winners today.”

“We congratulate the award winners for their strategic and innovative communications efforts,” said Futures without Violence Founder and President, Esta Soler. “Communications provide a powerful tools for changing attitudes and behaviors—raising awareness, sounding the alarm, and spreading news about what to do and where to go for help in abusive situations.”

The awards coincide with International Women’s Day and the Commission of the Status of Women, which this year focuses on the elimination and prevention of all forms of violence against women and girls. The Commission of the Status of Women drew nearly 6,000 representatives from UN Member States, UN entities, and NGOs from around the world for a two-week session.

A TV Spot from the award-winning Kuwa Mfano wa Kuigwa  campaign can viewed at:


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