July 8, 2013

The Government of Tanzania, AngloGold Ashanti and African Barrick Gold sign Multi-Stakeholder Partnership


The Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Initiative to Improve Artisanal and Small-scale Mining (ASM) – Large Scale Mining (LSM) Coexistence in Tanzania met today in Dar es Salaam to launch its collaboration

DAR ES SALAAM: A full day meeting of the Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Initiative to Improve ASM-LSM Coexistence in Tanzania was hosted by the government of Tanzania on Friday, 28 June in Dar es Salaam. In attendance were representatives from the Ministry of Energy and Minerals, the Ministry of Home Affairs, small scale mining operators, civil society, the World Bank, and the large scale mining (LSM) industry.

The Multi-Stakeholder Partnership (MSP) initiative seeks to improve ASM-LSM coexistence in Tanzania by fostering the legal, regulated, safe, sustainable development of an ASM sector that operates within the rule of law and with respect for human rights. Specifically it aims to ensure that all who are legally engaged in ASM work under fair labor standards and in proper health and safety environments, allowing small scale operators to exercise a scale of mineral activity that suits their financial capacities and long-term ambitions.

The meeting signed the MSP Framework Agreement that serves as the Terms of Reference (TORs) for the stakeholder collaboration. A national Steering Committee is responsible for ensuring the implementation of MSP activities, meeting on a quarterly basis to review progress.

The first stage of actualizing the MSP is the establishment of two pilot schemes—one in near the Geita Gold Mine and one near the North Mara Gold Mine in Tarime region. Planning of the pilots has been underway since April 2013 in the two respective areas. The pilots aim to model practical approaches towards ASM-LSM coexistence in the country. Activities may include: improved geological support to small-scale operators, further processing and value-addition opportunities for mine operators, developing responsible gold supply chains from mine to market, mainstreaming gender in the entire value chain, and improving revenue and benefit flows back to local governments and communities.

On behalf of the Government of Tanzania, the Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Energy and Minerals stated: “The sustainable development of the artisanal and small-scale mining sector has always been a top priority for the government. Over the past four years, we have embarked on reform initiatives including the development of a small-scale mining loan scheme to operators and the design of a small grants program for operators and communities. This MSP Initiative complements activities already underway within our Ministry by leveraging additional technical knowledge and resources from the private sector and the World Bank to promote greater national participation in our mining industry.” 

Through its Tanzania Country Director, Mr. Philippe Dongier, the World Bank stated: "The World Bank is committed to supporting initiatives aimed at strengthening the artisanal and small-scale mining sector in Tanzania as this sector impacts on a significant number of people in the rural areas and is therefore relevant to any effort intended to reduce poverty among the rural populations." In addition, Mr. Christopher Sheldon, Sector Manager for the Oil, Gas and Mining division of the World Bank, responsible for Africa: “The World Bank is pleased to assist in this important initiative. It reflects our institution’s commitment to transform the artisanal and small-scale mining sector into a positive contributor to poverty reduction whilst equally increasing the national share of mining benefits.”

The initiative also received endorsement from the private sector, “AngloGold Ashanti believes strongly in the need to engage with all stakeholders in finding strategies to address ASM in Tanzania, and we are excited to be part of the MSP pilot scheme in Geita”, Laurent Coche, Senior Vice President for Sustainability at AngloGold Ashanti, said at the launch. 

ABG Vice President Corporate Affairs, Deo Mwanyika, echoed this industry commitment, “Today consolidates our commitment to supporting the artisanal and small mining Industry. The MSP offers a unique opportunity to commence concerted efforts with numerous partners to deliver a successful outcome.”

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