June 27, 2014


The guest of honour, Deputy Permanent Secretary in the Prime Minister's Office, Regional Administration and Local Governments, Mr. Jumanne Sagini arrives at the ESRF conference hall accompanied by the UN Acting Resident Coordinator and UNICEF Representative, Dr. Jama Gulaid in front of them is the Director of Programmes of Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF), Dr. Tausi Kida.

By Damas Makangale, MOblog Tanzania

TANZANIA has recorded an impressive improvement in performance of primary school enrolment. They have achieved remarkable enrolment of 93% after abolishing school fees in public schools with the aim of meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

Speaking at the National Consultations Workshop on Localization of the Post-2015 Development Agenda in Dar es Salaam recently, Permanent Secretary in the Prime Minister’s Office, Regional Administration and Local Government, Jumanne Sagini said that the country has also managed to reduce the number of deaths of children under five years old, improve gender equality and access to quality services such as safe water and health facilities.

“Tanzania has made good progress in implementing the agreement of the strategic growth and reducing poverty… Implementation of the MDG agenda was through National Strategy for Economic Growth and Reduction of Poverty commonly known as Mkukuta and Zanzibar strategy for Economic Growth and Reduction Poverty (Mkuza),”
Ambassador Celestine Mushy, Director of the Department for Multilateral Cooperation in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation greets one of the invited guests and stakeholders before the official opening ceremony at the workshop on Localization of Post 2015 Development Agenda.

“The vision for these agendas was to move Tanzania from being underdeveloped by alleviating poverty and stimulating economic growth,” he said.

He emphasized that the initiatives have led Tanzania to reduce HIV prevalence from 9.4 % (2000) to approximately 5% in 2014.

Sagini added that despite those successes there still remain challenges to eradicate poverty, improving maternal health, safe water services and provision of quality education in the country.

Acting UN Resident Coordinator, Dr Jama Gulaid said that since 2000, Tanzania has made substantial progress in promoting the MDG however the country’s has had slow progress on other areas such as poverty and maternal mortality.

“It is likely that the clock will run out before important goals have been achieved, as the deadline gets closer, various countries have taken additional measures to accelerate the achievement of MDG.”

He said that the framework for the next set of goals is evolving but there is a strong focus on sustainable development and on specific goals concerning climate change, food and hunger.

Dr Gulaid explained that the workshop, organized by Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF), presents opportunities for all of them to examine key aspects of the post 2015 agenda. Furthermore, Tanzania was one of the selected countries which participated in the Post MDG consultation process in December 2012.
The guest of honour, Deputy Permanent Secretary in the Prime Minister's Office, Regional Administration and Local Governments, Mr. Jumanne Sagini delivers his key note address to the invited guests.

The findings from these consultations formed a major input towards building the Post-2015 Development Agenda: the ‘Future we want’. This consultation process was led by ESRF and it targeted the Government (both the Central and Local Government Authority (LGAs)); Civil Service Organizations (CSOs); youth, women, children, the elderly, private sector, research and academic institutions.

Based on the 2012 Post MDGs Development Agenda consultations, a total of 11 priority areas and the respective strategic actions were proposed by Tanzania to the United Nations. These priority areas are meant to define the future Tanzanians want.
The Executive Director of Ecomomic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF), Dr.Hoseana Lunogelo gives his welcoming remarks at the the workshop. Others are the guest of honour Deputy Permanent Secretary in the Prime Minister's Office, Regional Administration and Local Governments, Mr. Jumanne Sagini (centre) and Acting UN Resident Coordinator and UNICEF Representative, Dr. Jama Gulaid.
The Guest of honour Deputy Permanent Secretary in the Prime Minister's Office, Regional Administration and Local Governments, Mr. Jumanne Sagini (left) Acting UN Resident Coordinator and UNICEF Representative, Dr. Jama Gulaid (centre) and UNDP Economist, Rogers listens attentively the speech of ESRF, Executive Director.
Acting UN Resident Coordinator and UNICEF Representative, Dr. Jama Gulaid gives his opening speech at the opening workshop on Localization of Post-2015 Development Agenda to invited dignitaries.
Above and Below: Some section of invited dignitaries from the government, NGOs, Private Institutions and UN officials.
Commissioner Ahmed Makame Haji from Zanzibar Planning Commission (right) with others invited dignitaries.
Senior Research Associate of ESRF, Dr. Oswald Mashindano gives his presentation on the background to post 2015 Development Agenda consultations and noted that Tanzania has not done enough to reduce poverty and stimulate economic growth.
Director of Programmes from Econoomic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF), Dr. Tausi Kida elaborates on snapshot of key Findings: LGA's, CSO's & Zanzibar Consultations.
A cross section of journalists who attended the workshop.
UNIDO Representative: Mr. Emmanuel KALENZI (left) exchanges views with the Director of Programmes, Economic and the Social Research Foundation (ESRF), Dr. Tausi Kida.
The guest of honour, Deputy Permanent Secretary – Prime Mister's Office, Regional Administration and Local Governments, Mr. Jumanne Sagini in a jovial mood with one of the participants while heading to have a group photo.
The guest of honour, Deputy Permanent Secretary in the Prime Minister's Office, Regional Administration and Local Governments, Mr. Jumanne Sagini in a group photo with invited dignitaries.

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