July 25, 2014




The Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA) is currently inviting highly qualified graduate and undergraduate students to apply for its 2014/15 ICT scholarships. The scholarship offers Tanzania students the opportunity to obtain degrees in the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and related areas. The Scholarship will be awarded on the basis of academic merit and interview to be conducted by the Scholarship Panel.
The Scholarship covers all university direct cost (tuition fees etc) and all student direct cost (meal, accommodation, book and stationary allowance, field practical training, special faculty requirement etc) for duration of the course, provided that they obtain good academic performance. The scholarship amount has been set based on average cost of fees and other costs for the students in public universities. Student may enquire scholarship amount for specific items from the Authority.
Applicants must be Tanzania citizens.
(a) Undergraduate Students:
1. The applicant must have completed Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination in the year 2014.
2. The applicant must be admitted or intending to be admitted in any ICT related degree programs in an accredited Institution of Higher Learning in Tanzania in the 2014/15 academic year.
3. The applicant must have obtained division one in the Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (ACSEE) or equivalent.

(b) Master Students:
1. Have an honours upper second or higher undergraduate degree from recognized University.
2. The applicant must be admitted or intending to be admitted in any ICT related degree programs in an accredited Institution of Higher Learning in Tanzania in 2014/15 academic year.
(c) PhD Students:
1. Have an honours upper second or higher undergraduate degree from recognized University.
2. Masters degree or an equivalent Masters degree from a recognized university.
3. The applicant must be admitted or intending to be admitted in any ICT related degree programs in an accredited Institution of Higher Learning in Tanzania in 2014/15 academic year.
Number per year:
5 Undergraduate Scholarships
2 Masters Scholarships
1 PhD Scholarships                                                                        
Closing date:
August 20 2014
How to apply:
Application Forms can be obtained from our website www.tcra.go.tz or applicants can visit TCRA HQ or our Zanzibar office, Zone offices in Dodoma, Mbeya, Arusha, and Mwanza to obtain application forms. You can also request the same by email through dg@tcra.go.tz. Only shortlisted candidate will contacted for interview.
Issues by;

The Director General
Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA)
Mawasiliano Towers
20 Sam Nujoma Road
P.O Box 474
14414 Dar Es Salaam
Tel: +255 22 2199760 - 8; +255 22 2412011 - 2
Fax: +255 22 2412009 / +255 22 2412010, E-Mail: dg@tcra.go.tz


                            2014-15 TCRA ICT SCHOLARSHIP                                              APPLICATION FORM

Deadline: 20th August 2014

Note:  Scholarship applications will be judged on their own merit based on their academic performance and interview results.
Application Requirements

  • Applicants must be Tanzanian citizens
  • Submit one completed scholarship application form
  • Submit certified true copy of the birth certificate
  • Only application in courses related to ICT will be considered
  • Have two letters of recommendation sent together with other application materials
  • Copies of your academic results achieved so far up to your most current/recent academic study. For student who completed their studies in foreign universities, their certificate must be accompanied by an evaluation certificate from the Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU).
·         Envelopes should be clearly marked; ICT Scholarship, and degree course, i.e., Undergraduate/Master/PhD
  • All application materials must arrive by close of business, i.e., 16:00Hrs on 20th August 2014. Applications arriving after the deadline will not be considered
  • Unsigned and Incomplete application will not be considered
  • Only short listed applicants will be contacted for interview

        Undergraduate Applicants
  • Please submit an essay discussing the following question. Discuss the advantages of Analogue to Digital Migration in Tanzania. The Essays must be type written and should not exceed two pages (A4, double-spaced, font size 12).

        Graduate Applicants
  • Your application must submit a short ICT related research proposal not exceeding three pages. The proposal must be type written and include the title, describes research questions, the methodology to be used, the expected results of the work, and the projected contribution to the field of ICT.
  •  Detailed Curriculum Vitae.

Scholarship Conditions
  • All scholarships are provided for the specified duration of a particular degree course
  • The successful applicants will be required to submit their academic reports at the end of each academic
  • The TCRA reserves the right to revoke the scholarship for students with poor performance
  • The scholarship amount has been determined by the Authority and it is the same for all universities, applicants are advised to contact the Authority if they need to know specific amount for each item.

Personal Information
Name of Applicant:
(Family, First, Middle):

Scholarship Mailing Address:

 Permanent Address:

Telephone No.:                                                                            Fax No.:

E-mail Address:

Date of Birth and Age:                                                                Place of Birth:


Source of Scholarship Information: (Newspaper, Radio, TV, Internet, friend etc.)

Educational Data
(Fill applicable section only)

Master degree from                                                                                      City:

Undergraduate degree from:                                                                        City:

High school from:                                                                                        City:

Highest Education Completed: High School, BA, BSc., MA MSc., M. Phil, Other:

-          Name of the school:

-          Major field of study:

Degree objective: BA, BSc., MA, MSc., M.Phil., PhD, other:      

 Reference Letters

Two letters of recommendation are required.  At least one of the letters should be from a faculty member (for Masters and PhD) is familiar with your work or High School Head Teacher (Undergraduate).  Faculty or Head Teacher recommendations must be on institution letterhead. References should comment on your character and potential for leadership and/or for making a significant contribution to any ICT related fields. Each letter of recommendation must be signed and sent together with other application materials.

Referee 1:                                                                                        Referee 2:

 Name:                                                                                             Name:

Institution:                                                                                       Institution:

Telephone:                                                                                      Telephone:

E-mail:                                                                                            E-mail:

Applicant’s Certification

I hereby certify that all information submitted on this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge

I understand that falsification of any information on this application disqualifies me for any current or future TCRA ICT scholarship.  I also understand that all applications will be evaluated on educational achievement, related activities, and the essay submission, and that scholarships will be awarded based on merit.  Submission of an application in no way guarantees that a scholarship will be awarded.  I understand that my application will not be considered if it is incomplete or submitted after 20th August 2014 deadline.

Signature                                                                               Date  
Submit materials to:

The Director General
Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA)
20 Sam Nujoma Road, P.O Box 474 
14414 Dar Es Salaam

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