
August 8, 2012

Minister Membe: Tanzania ready for APRM review

Minister for Foreign Affairs, Minister Bernard Membe
Special Correspondent, Dodoma

The government has confirmed that Tanzania will present its governance assessment report to the African Union governance assessment body-the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM).

Speaking during the budget discussions on Monday for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Minister Bernard Membe told the National Assembly that Tanzania has conducted its review process objectively through wider consultation of stakeholders.

“Tanzania is now expected to be peer reviewed before the Forum of African Heads of States and Governments participating in the APRM process in January, 2013 in Addis Ababa,” he said.

He told the Parliament that the 2009 completed report could not be presented to the AU meetings because it had to be updated following political changes that happened after the 2010 general election.

The Minister whose Ministry coordinates the APRM process in Tanzania informed the Assembly that in preparation for submitting the report, the country invited a 20 member panel of top African experts to come to Tanzania in March, 2012 to validate the country report.

“The experts met with top government leaders from both sides of the Union; met other stakeholders like judges, business community, development partners; civil societies and visited eight regions to meet and discuss with stakeholders,” added the Minister.

He commended the National Governing Council (NGC) of the APRM process in Tanzania for its innovative work in ensuring that the process in the country is done ethically.

Various MPs who contributed in on the APRM process advised the government to strengthen the APRM office in the country so as to make it as a national governance think tank.

The Nyamagana MP (Chadema) Ezekia Wenje advised the government to ensure that the final APRM report is tabled in the National Assembly. On his part the Kilindi MP (CCM), Beatrice Shellukindo praised the APRM Tanzania CEO, Rehema Twalib for managing the organization well.

“But in a bid to ensure more transparency in the national process, the national governing council should be reviewed every after five years just like MP members to the council are changed after each new Parliament,” advised MP Shellukindo.

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