
September 7, 2011


Amb. Dr. Richard Sezibera
East African Community Secretariat, Arusha.

The Secretary General of the East African Community, Amb. Dr. Richard Sezibera has said that the political developments in Somalia and the Sudans cannot and will not derail the East African regional integration process as being portrayed by sections of the Media in the region.

"I would like to clarify that the big push for East African Political Federation is not dead in the water but alive and to confirm this, the EAC Secretariat has organized a two-day forum of all registered political parties from the Partner
States due next week in Nairobi, Kenya to debate the role they have to play in the process of political integration," Dr. Sezibera said.

Representatives from at least 158 political parties in the region have been invited to the 15-16 September forum which aims to help parties establish areas of convergence and propose ways of participating in regional political processes.

The Secretary General who was today speaking to the Press on the sidelines of the ongoing First meeting of the Fifth session of the second East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) in Kigali, said the political federation project is enshrined in the Treaty for the Establishment of the East African Community and is a matter the Heads of State Summit took a decision to fast track.

He informed the journalists that the EAC Heads of State on 19 April this year received a report based on the recommendations of the Team of Experts on Fears, Concerns and Challenges on the Political Federation.

"The Summit then directed the Committee of Experts to propose solutions to those fears and challenges and they will be presenting the proposals at the Summit scheduled for November this year to be held in Bujumbura," the Secretary General added.

Dr. Sezibera reiterated that the EAC Partner States were concerned about the problems in Somalia and the Sudans. He said the problems experienced by the three countries range from insecurity and natural disasters, some of which were man-made.

"But these can't derail or even impact the Political Federation process, in fact this week the 23rd Meeting of the EAC Council of Ministers is discussing the application by the Republic of Sudan to join the East African Community," he
emphasized, adding that "I regard it as egregious on the part of the Media to assert that those issues could torpedo this strategic project".

He explained that the EAC Treaty clearly spells out the criteria used in expanding the membership of the Community. He said among the criteria are the adherence to universally acceptable principles of good governance, democracy, the rule of law, observance of human rights and social justice and the potential contribution to the strengthening of integration within the East African region.

Others include geographical proximity to and inter-dependence between that country and the EAC Partner States and compatibility of social and economic policies with those of the Community. The role of admission of a new member to the EAC is a function of the Summit.

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