
November 7, 2017

Airtel calls schools in Kinondoni to make use of Airtel Lab

Dar Teknohama Business incubator – DTBi trainee Edmund Sepeku speaks to Kijitonyama Kisiwani primary School pupils during an event to introduce ICT knowledge to teachers and pupils of the school, a programme which is a partnership between Airtel Tanzania and DTBi

Airtel Tanzania Project Manager Jane Matinde shows Kijitonyama Kisiwani primary School pupils how a lego Robotics works during an event to introduce ICT knowledge to teachers and pupils of the school, a programme which is a partnership between Airtel Tanzania and DTBi.

Dar Teknohama Business incubator – DTBi trainee Edmund Sepeku speaks to Kijitonyama Kisiwani primary School pupils during an event to introduce ICT knowledge to teachers and pupils of the school, a programme which is a partnership between Airtel Tanzania and DTBi

A cross-section of Kijitonyama Kisiwani primary School pupils follow the proceedings of introduction ICT knowledge to teachers and pupils of the school, a programme which is a partnership between Airtel Tanzania and DTBi.

ICT Lab Airtel Fursa Manager Agape Jengela speaks to to Kijitonyama Kisiwani primary School pupils during an event to introduce ICT knowledge to teachers and pupils of the school, a programme which is a partnership between Airtel Tanzania and DTBi


Primary schools in Kinondoni Municipal have been urged to make use of the available ICT Airtel Fursa Lab in Kijitonyama Primary School in order to equip pupils and teachers with ICT knowledge.

The call has been made by Airtel Tanzania Project Manager after visiting Kijitonyama Kisiwani Primary school, a visit aimed at introducing the ICT Lab to pupils and schools within the Municipal. The Airtel Fursa Lab is a partnership between Airtel and Dar Teknohama Business incubator – DTBi and is aimed at life changing program and also equip pupils and teachers with ICT knowledge.

We have already a big number of pupils and teachers especially from Kijitonyama Primary School who have come up for the ICT studies. The training will go on as usual even during the holidays and therefore we call upon  pupils/teachers and whoever else interested to register for the studies so as to have knowledge on computer science skills at early age. To the community, it is a good time to start learning ICT programs that can make you a self-employed, said Matinde.
 Earlier, the studies had focused on pupils, students and entrepreneurs but now they have extended the same to teachers at the school and other schools within Kinondoni Municipal.

We are still receiving applicants who want to get skills on ICT management. Pupils, students and anyone who is willing to take part in these studies is encouraged to apply, Matinde added.

Kijitonyama Kisiwani Primary School second Master Sikudhan Semka applauded Airtel for visiting the school and said they make sure that they use the Airtel Lab to equip them with ICT skills. ‘We have five computers here in our school but not even a single teacher can use them as none has the skills. It is very encouraging to learn that our neighbouring school has the facility that can equip our teachers and pupils with a such knowledge. We will make use of this opportunity, Semka added.

 The ICT Lab Airtel Fursa Manager Agape Jengela said they are ready to offer training to any applicant. Jengela named some of the courses that are offered as such as lego Robotics’, animation programming for children(called scretch) and 3D designing and printing   at the  primary school level,  other courses include computer basics, computer literacy, simplified application programming ,internet/security

Applicants can apply through www.teknohama.or.tz  or  www.airtelfursa.com or by visiting Kijitonyama Primary School in Kinondoni municipal.

Airtel yatoa rai kwa shule Kinondoni kujifunza TEHAMA

Shule za msingi za Manispaa ya Kinondoni zimeshauriwa kutumia fursa ya maabara ya kompyuta iliyopo katika shule ya msingi Kijitonyama iliyopo kwenye manispaa hiyo ili kuweza kujifunza na kupata ujuzi wa Tehama kwa waalimu na wanafunzi pia.

Wito huo umetolewa na Meneja Miradi Airtel Tanzania Jane Matinde wakati akiongea na waalimu na wanafunzi wa shule ya msingi ya Kijitonyama Kisiwani baada ya kuitembelea na kutambulisha maabara hiyo. Maabara hiyo ni ushirikiano kati ya kampuni ya Airtel na Atamizi ya Teknohama ya Dar es Salaam (DTBi) kuhakiksha kuwa Jamii inakuwa na uelewa wa Tehema kwa mafanikio yao na taifa kwa ujumla.

Tunayo Idadi kubwa ya waalimu na wanafunzi ambao Tayari washaanza kupata mafunzo hayo lakini wengi wao wametokea kwenye shule ya Kijitonyama ambapo hii maabara ipi. Naomba kutoa wito wangu na nyinyi mtumia hii fursa na mpate mafunzo ya Tahema na ikizingatiwa shule hizi ni majirani.
Ni furaha kwa wanafunzi hawa kupata mafunzo ya Tehama kwa umri mdogo kwani inawaraihishia maisha yao ya masomo ya baadae. Pia, kuna wanafunzi wengine wanakuwa na uelewa mkubwa kwenye mafunzo ya matendo kuliko nadharia, hii ndio sehemu pekee kwa wanafunzi wa shule ya msingi kupata mafunzo hayo, aliongeza Matinde.

Matinde aliongeza kuwa bado mafunzo yataendelea hata baada kuwa shule zimefungwa kwa ajili ya likizo ya krismas na mwaka mpya na hivyo wito kwa vijana wa sekondari , wale waliomaliza darasa la saba , wafanyabiashara kutumia vyema maabara hii yenye lengo la kuwezesha jamii  hususani vijana kuongeza ujuzi na ueledi kwenye maswala ya technologia na Tehama kwa ujumla.
Kwa upande wake, Mwalimu Mkuu msaidizi wa shule ya Kijitonyama Kisiwani Sikudhani Semka alitoa shukrani kwa kampuni ya Airtel kuweza kuwatembelea na kuitambulisha maabara hiyo shuleni kwake. ‘Nachukua fursa hii kuwashukuru wenzetu wa Airtel. Hapa shuleni kwetu tunao kompyuta tano lakini hakuna hata moja ambayo inatumika sababu ikiwa hakuna mwalimu mwenye ujuzi wa kuitumia. Tutamia fursa na kujifunza mambo ya Tehema ili na sisi tuende na wakati, alisema Semka.

Kwa upande wake Meneja wa maabara ya Airtel Fursa, Agape Jengela alisema “Tayari tumejipanga kutoa mafunzo kwa yeyote ambaye atayejiunga nasi. Tuhahakisha kuwa kila anayekuwa anapata mafunzo ya hali ya juu na kuelewa kabisa ili nao waweze kutoa mafunzo na elimu kwa wanafunzi wenzao.

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