
April 5, 2018

Airtel Money Yatangaza kugawa gawio la bilioni 1.8 kwa robo mwaka huu

Mkurugenzi wa Masoko wa Airtel Tanzania, Isack Nchunda, akitangaza gawiwo la bilioni 1.8 la robo ya mwaka kwa wateja wa Airtel Money wakati kizungumza na waandishi wa habari Dar es Salaam jana, Kulia ni Meneja wa Airtel Money, Ibrahim Marando na Meneja Uhusiano wa Airtel Tanzania, Jackson Mmbando.

. Gawio la Airtel Money kwa wateja lafikia bilioni 14.8

Airtel Tanzania imetoa gawio linalofikia shilingi bilioni 14.8 hadi sasa kwa wateja wake na mawakala nchi nzima ikiwa ni  sehemu ya faida waliyoipata tangu mwaka 2015.

Hili limebainishwa na Mkurugenzi wa masoko wa Airtel Tanzania, Isack Nchunda kwa niaba ya Mkurugenzi Mkuu wa Airtel wakati akitangaza gawio la robo hii ambalo ni shilingi bilioni 1.8.

“Tangu tuanze kugawa sehemu ya faida yetu kwa wateja mwaka 2015, tumeshatoa jumla ya shilingi bilioni 14.8 na huwa tunagawa kila robo ya mwaka na kuhakikisha wateja na mawakala wanapokea fedha hizi kupitia akaunti zao za Airtel Money na wana uhuru wa kutumia fedha hizi wanavyotaka,” alisema.

Kwa mujibu wa Nchunda, hii ni mara ya sita mfulululizo kwa Airtel Tanzania kugawa sehemu ya faida kwa wateja wake tangu mwaka 2015. “Bwana Pesa hutoa gawio hili kwa wateja wa Airtel Money na mawakala kulingana na salio la mteja kila siku,” aliongeza.

Aliwashukuru wateja wa Airtel kwa kuendelea kutumia Airtel Money na kuifanya iwe huduma yenye tija na maarufu zaidi na kuongeza kuwa hadi sasa wana zaidi ya maduka 100 maalum kwa kutoa huduma ya  Airtel Money ambayo yanafanya huduma hii iwe ya kuaminika zaidi na rahisi kupatikana.

“Maduka haya ya Airtel Money huhakikisha mawakala wana salio la kutosha muda wote ili wateja wasipate usumbufu wanapohitaji huduma hiyo,” alisema.

Kwa upande wake, Meneja wa Airtel Money, alisema kuanzia leo, wateja wa Airtel Money na mawakala watapata gawio linalofikia shilingi bilioni 1.8 kupitia akaunti zao za Airtel Money na wanaweza kutumia gedha hizo wanavyotaka ikiwemo kulipia huduma mbalimbali kama vifurushi vya mtandao, muda wa maongezi na LUKU.

Alitoa wito kwa mawakala wa Airtel Money kuhakikisha wanaendelea kutoa huduma bora kwa wateja ili kampuni hiyo iendelee kutoa gawio kwa wateja wake kila robo ya mwaka.

“Airtel Money imejizatiti kuendelea kutoa huduma bora na nafuu ambayo ni suluhisho kwa biashara za aina yoyote,” alisema na kuongeza kuwa Airtel inashirikiana na biashara zaidi ya 400 na ziadi na benki 30 katika kutoa huduma za kifedha.

Airtel ina zaidi ya mawakala 50,000 nchi nzima na inaendelea kutanua wigowake ili kuhakikisha huduma za kifedha zinapatikana katika miji na vijijini.

Airtel Money Announces disbursement of Tsh 1.8bn Interest this quarter

  • Airtel Money Interest to customers reach Tsh 14.8 bn
Airtel Tanzania has so far disbursed Airtel Money Interest amounting to Tsh 14.8 billion to its Airtel Money customers countrywide, making it one of the most consistent and regular arrangement.

This was revealed by the Airtel Marketing Director, Isack Nchunda on behalf of Airtel Managing Director while announcing this quarter’s interest which amounts to Tsh 1.8bn.

“Since we started December 2015 we have so far disbursed to our customers who also include Airtel Money agents Tsh 14.8 billion and we announce and make these disbursements every quarter where customers receive their money through their Airtel Money accounts and they have the freedom to decide how to spend the money,” he said.

According to Nchunda, this is the sixth time consecutively Airtel is giving back interests to all Airtel Money customers and agents since 2015. “Mr. Money gives back to Airtel Money customers and agents depending on the amount of balance one has on Airtel Money account on daily basis,” he added.

He also thanked their customers for their loyalty to the Airtel Money service which has become popular countrywide as there are over 100 Airtel Money shops rollout countrywide which makes it more reliable and easily accessible.
“The shops are there to ensure that the agents have enough float at all times to ensure customers are not inconvenienced when they visit the agents,” he said.

On his part, Airtel Money Manager Ibrahim Malando said starting today every Airtel Money customers and agents countrywide will receive  part of Tsh 1.8bn interest through their Airtel Money accounts and one can decide to use the money to either cash it out,  paying various bills and services such as internet bundle, purchase Airtel time, LUKU and so on.

He called on Airtel Money agents to continue offering the best services to customers to ensure the dividends continue increasing in the coming quarters.

“Airtel Money is committed to offer the most affordable mobile money services offering payment solution to businesses of any form,” he said adding that Airtel has also integrated with more than 400 Businesses and over 30 banks for easy payment solutions model and instant cash transfer activities.
With more than 50,000 Airtel Money Agents county wide Airtel continues to widened it agent’s footprint to ensure mobile money services availability to majority Tanzanians in both rural and urban areas.

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