
September 6, 2011

EAC Council Ministers to discuss Republic of Sudan bid to join EAC

East African Community Secretariat, Arusha, Tanzania, 5 September 2011: The 23rdMeeting of the EAC Council of Ministers takes place 5-9 September this week in Arusha, Tanzania to discuss among others the application by the Republic of Sudan to join the East African Community; various Council Bills; proposals for amendment of the EAC Treaty; and various progress reports on the implementation of previous
Council decisions. The Council is also expected to consider and adopt the 4th EAC Development Strategy 2011/12 - 2015/16.

The 23rd Meeting of the Council of Ministers is expected to give guidance on an application by the Republic of Sudan to join the EAC after the former expressed interest in a 15 June 2011 communication addressed to the Chairperson of the Summit of East African Community Heads of State.

Admission of a new member to the bloc is considered on the basis of the EAC Procedure for Admission and is a function of the EAC Summit of Heads of State.

The meeting will also consider proposals for amendment of Article 137 (1) of the Treaty to provide for French and Kiswahili as official languages of the East African Community. Currently English is the only official language of the EAC, but Kiswahili is recognized in the Treaty as the lingua franca. Burundi and the United Republic of Tanzania proposed the Treaty amendments to include French and Kiswahili

Also up for discussion or adoption are Council Bills that include the following; the East African Community HIV and AIDS Prevention and Management Bill, 2010; the East African Community Anti-Counterfeit Bill and the East African Community One Stop Border Post Bill, 2010 which Council is expected adopt for introduction in the East African Legislative Assembly.

In addition, the Council is expected to consider and adopt the 4th EAC Development Strategy 2011/12 - 2015/16, study the proposed USA/EAC Trade Investment Treaty and to consider a wide range of reports including the Report on the Establishment of EAC Development Fund and reports on various areas in which EAC Partner States are cooperating.

The 5-9 September meeting opened today (Monday) with the session of Senior Officials, which concludes tomorrow. The session of the Co-ordination Committee (Permanent Secretaries) will follow from Wednesday to Thursday before the meeting concludes with the Ministerial session slated for Friday 9 September 2011.

Additional Information

Criteria for admission to the EAC

According to the Treaty, expansion of country membership of the East African Community to include any foreign country at the level of full membership or associations:

(a)  is based on criteria requiring such foreign country's:

i)     acceptance of the Community as set out in the Treaty;

ii) adherence to universally acceptable principles of good governance, democracy, the rule of law, observance of human rights and social justice;

iii) potential contribution to the strengthening of integration within the East African region;

iv) geographical proximity to and inter-dependence between it (the foreign country) and the EAC Partner States;
v)   establishment and maintenance of a market-driven economy; and

vi) social and economic policies being compatible with those of the
Community; and

a)  shall be considered on the basis of the EAC Procedure for Admission; and
b)  is a function of the Summit.

About the proposed Council Bills

*         The East African Community HIV and AIDS Prevention and Management Bill 2010:  This Bill, whose purpose is to provide for the prevention and management of HIV and AIDS and for the protection and promotion of human rights of persons living with or affected by HIV and AIDS.

*   The East African Community One Stop Border Post Bill 2010 aims to provide a legal framework for the establishment and implementation of one stop border posts to enhance trade facilitation. It has been developed through multi-sectoral collaboration involving key Ministries associated with the key aspects of infrastructure development and implementation of the EAC Common Market.

*   The East African Community Anti-Counterfeit Bill, 2010 proposes robust measures against counterfeiting, piracy and other IPR violations in the region, including making offences committed in one Partner State punishable in any other Partner State where the offender happens to be.

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