
September 14, 2011

U.S. Ambassador Alfonso E. Lenhardt hosts Girls' Empowerment Program

Ambassador Alfonso E. Lenhardt and Mrs. Lenhardt, program volunteers from the American Embassy, and KIWOHEDE staff and participants. (Photo courtesy of the American Embassy)

Recently, Ambassador Alfonso E. Lenhardt and Mrs. Jacqueline Lenhardt welcomed over 80 Tanzanian youth from the Kiota Women's Health and Development Organization (KIWOHEDE) Women's and Youth Center for an all day empowerment program for women and girls.  
KIWOHEDE is an NGO serving over 100 women and children funded through private sector and individual support whose mission is to improve women and girls' socio-cultural, economic, and living conditions. The day program was moderated by volunteers who held science and geography lessons, current affairs discussions through readings of newspapers, sports and board game competitions, singing and dancing talent shows, and inspirational skits and presentations by the guests.  

The KIWOHEDE staff and youth - mostly girls  between the ages of 13 and 18 - were welcomed by Ambassador and Mrs. Lenhardt, as well as over 10 U.S. Embassy volunteers.  
In his remarks, Ambassador Lenhardt underscored his top priority to promote the rights of Tanzanian women and girls to a safe environment, education, health, and the opportunity to meet their highest potential. 
"I am proud to welcome you today, and offer my special appreciation and deepest respect to the women and youth who are served by this center," the Ambassador said.

The Ambassador and Mrs. Lenhardt have shown keen interest in uplifting the status and living condition of children, particularly girls, as a key U.S. priority in Tanzania to promote development.  "No nation that expects to fully develop - including the U.S. - can do so without the immense talents and contributions of women.  You simply cannot leave over half the population behind and expect to succeed.  We all share, including men, the key responsibility to promote women's rights," the Ambassador underscored.

 Mrs. Jacqueline Lenhardt is a volunteer at the KIWOHEDE and House of Peace women's centers which provide temporary shelter for women and children who are victims of gender based violence.  

In December 2010, the American people through the U.S. Department of State offered KIWOHEDE a $26,000.00 grant to provide opportunities for girls to engage in secondary education; equip them with information regarding socio-economic opportunities; support girls who drop out of school due to unwanted pregnancies, domestic abuse or other reasons; and to build up girls' self esteem and self direction through provision of counseling services and training opportunities.  
The grant also initiated self-help groups of girls; provided them with expertise and skills to run income generating projects; supported recreational activities; empowered girls to act as champions for their peers and to play an active role in the management of the project.

The center is led by Mama Justa Mwaituka, the 2004 recipient of the U.S. Embassy's prestigious Martin Luther King, Jr. Drum Major Award for her tireless work on behalf of girls education, exploited women and children, and against domestic violence, sexual abuse, and trafficking in persons. This award is granted by the U.S. Ambassador to a Tanzanian who has waged a peaceful battle for equality and justice in the spirit of Dr. King.  
The Ambassador's program with KIWOHEDE residents underscores the American people's support for promoting the rights of women and girls in Tanzania.

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