
September 19, 2011

Two Headed Snakes – Strange Creatures

How many of us believe in the existence of two headed snakes? Well, as with any living creature, they do exist and are a much more common sight than any other two headed animals.

Although the two headed snake has to share the one body, both of the heads are not aware of the existence of the other, therefore, leading individual lives or what they think is individual, so when there is prey to be fed on, only one will actually eat, but it can lead to a sticky situation with them fighting each other for the food. As the two heads are sharing the one body, when one head eats, the two heads feel full as they share the same organs which can lead to confusion with the head that has not eaten, as it fails to understand why it feels full when it has not been fed.

The two headed snake can find themselves in dangerous situations when faced with an attack. In this case, the instinct of one head may be to make a quick escape to safety whilst the other may want to stay and fight. This situation could lose precious seconds which could be detrimental to its safety; therefore chances of a long and safe life for a two headed snake in the wild are rare.

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