
October 29, 2014


Garden Avenue in Dar es Salaam will be renamed to Hamburg Avenue

On 30th October the Garden Avenue in Dar es Salaam City Center will be renamed to Hamburg Avenue to reflect the town twinning between the two cities. With this gesture the City of Dar es Salaam responds to the dedication of a “Dar-es-Salaam-Platz” in Hamburg Harbour City last year.

At 11.00 PM on Thursday, October 30th, a grand opening with invited guests will be held on Garden Avenue in front of the Ocean Road Hospital. 

Following an invitation by Lord Mayor Dr. Massaburi and the City Council a delegation from the City of Hamburg will be present at the event. Among the delegation Dar es Salaam welcomes the State Counsellor of Hamburg, Mr. Wolfgang Schmidt, and the Honorary Consul of Tanzania in Hamburg, Mrs. Petra Hammelmann.

The partnership between the two port cities Hamburg and Dar es Salaam was established in 2010 and has been a success story from its first day. Over the past four years the two port-cities have established a network of vivid exchanges and lively cooperation.
The renaming on Thursday is an important step to make the city-partnership even better known in Dar es Salaam and win new supporters in all parts of the population. Given that the partnership has only existed officially for four years, the range of activities between the two cities is truly outstanding.

These includes amongst others:
-       Partnerships between seven schools in Hamburg and schools in DareEs Salaam
-       A network of youth groups
-       Cooperation of universities (students organize exchanges and spend a term studying abroad)
-       Partnership between parishes
-       Opportunities for experts from Dar es Salaam to use professional training facilities in Hamburg
-       The sole Tanzanian Honorary Consul in Germany is based in Hamburg.
-       Cooperation of the port authorities of Hamburg and Dar es Salaam
-       friendship between the Music  Mayday Music School in Dar Es Salaam and the Hamburg School of Music

As part of the network “50 Municipal Climate Partnerships” of the Service Agency Communities in One World (SKEW) Hamburg and Dar es Salaam have developed a joint action program. The two cities foster the sharing of knowledge between their local authorities regarding climate change, infrastructure projects, emergency management, public waste management systems etc..

In this context a specialist of the International Centre for Migration and Development (CIM), Mr. Benjamin Klaus, works at Dar es Salaam City Council as Integrated Expert at Association of Local Authorities of Tanzania (ALAT), funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. He strives to strengthen the local authorities, to foster the town twinning and to support professional public waste management. Soon one more specialist from Germany will support his efforts and strengthen the team at Dar City Council to help establish a professional public waste management.

Shortly – and as a premiere in Tanzania -  compost works will be established in Kinondoni funded by the Kinondoni Municipal Council, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and the City of Hamburg

A further lively cornerstone of the friendship between the two cities is the “Week of Partnership”, which is being held in Hamburg every year. In 2014 the event took from 18th to 28th September 2014. Over 90 guests from Tanzania, among them politicians and representatives of civil society, visited Hamburg and experienced a week of successful networking.


Tarehe 30 Oktoba Barabara ya Garden (Garden Avenue) katikati ya Jiji la Dar Es Salaam itabadilishwa jina na kuwa Barabara ya Hamburg ili kuakisi ushirikiano wa karibu kabisa baina ya majiji haya mawili. 

Hatua hii ya Jiji la Dar Es Salaam ni kumbukumbu na pia mwitikio wa  heshima wa jina la Dar Es Salaam-Platz, eneo  lililopo katika Jiji la Bandari la Hamburg, tukio lililofanyika mwaka jana.

Siku ya Alhamisi, tarehe 30 Oktoba, saa 5.00 asubuhi, sherehe kubwa itakayohudhuriwa na wageni waalikwa itafanyika katika Barabara ya Garden mbele ya Ocean Road Hospital. 

Kufuatia mwaliko uliotolewa na Mstahiki Meya Dr. Didas Massaburi na Halmashauri ya Jiji la Dar Es Salaam, ujumbe kutoka Jiji la Hamburg utahudhuria sherehe hiyo. Miongoni mwa watakaokuwamo katika ujumbe huo ni pamoja na Diwani Mkuu wa Jimbo la Hamburg, Bw. Wolfgang Schmidt, na Balozi wa Heshima anayeiwakilisha Tanzania Jijini Hamburg, Bibi Petra Hammelmann.

Ushirikiano baina ya majiji haya mawili ya bandari ya Hamburg na Dar Es Salaam ulianzishwa mwaka 2010, na umekuwa na mafanikio tangu siku yake ya kwanza. Katika kipindi cha miaka minne iliyopita majiji haya mawili yameanzisha mtandao wa mabadilishano katika nyanja mbalimbali yaliyo dhahiri na ushirikiano wa dhati.

Kubadilishwa huko kwa jina la barabara siku ya Alhamisi ni hatua muhimu katika kuufanya ushirikiano huo ujulikane zaidi Jijini Dar Es Salaam, na kupata watu watakaouunga mkono katika makundi yote ya jamii. Kutokana na kwamba ushirikiano huo umekuwapo rasmi kwa miaka minne, mlolongo wa shughuli baina ya majiji haya mawili kwa kweli umekuwa wa aina yake.

Hii inajumuisha pamoja na mambo mengine:
-          Ushirikiano baina ya shule saba jijini Hamburg na shule za jijini Dar Es Salaam
-          Mtandao wa vikundi vya vijana
-          Ushirikiano wa vyuo vikuu (wanafunzi hutayarisha ziara za kubadilishana na kutumia muhula mmoja wa mafunzo nchi za ngàmbo)
-          Ushirikiano baina ya parokia mbalimbali
-          Fursa kwa wataalamu kutoka Dar Es Salaam kutumia taasisi za mafunzo jijini Hamburg
-          Balozi pekee wa Heshima wa Tanzania nchini Ujerumani yupo katika jiji la Hamburg
-          Ushirikiano wa mamlaka za bandari za jiji la Hamburg na Dar Es Saalaam.

Kama sehemu ya mtandao  ujulikanao kama „50 Municipal Climate Partnerships“ wa Jumuiya za Uwakala wa Huduma katika Dunia Moja (SKEW), majiji ya Hamburg na Dar Es Salaam yameanzisha mpango mkakati wa pamoja. Majiji haya mawili yanaendeleza ushirikiano wa maarifa baina ya mamlaka zao za mitaa kuhusu mabadiliko ya tabia nchi, miradi ya miundo mbinu, menejimenti ya dharura, mifumo ya maji taka n.k.

Katika muktadha huu mtaalamu kutoka Kituo cha Kimataifa cha Uhamaji na Maendeleo (CIM), Bw. Benjamin Klaus, anafanya kazi katika Halmashauri ya Jiji la Dar Es Salaam kama Mtaalamu katika Jumuiya ya Mamlaka za Serikali za Mitaa nchini Tanzania (ALAT), inayogharamiwa na Wizara ya  Ushirikiano wa Kiuchumi na Maendeleo ya Ujerumani.  

 Anajitahidi kuimarisha mamlaka za serikali za mitaa ili kuendeleza ushirikino kati ya majiji haya mawili na kusaidia menejimenti ya maji taka. Hivi karibuni mtaalamu mwingine zaidi kutoka Ujerumani atasaidia juhudi zake na kuimarisha uwepo wao katika Halmashauri ya Jiji la Dar Es Salaam ili kusaidia uanzishwaji wa menejimenti ya maji taka.

Hivi karibuni – na kwa mara ya kwanza nchini Tanzania- shughuli za utengenezaji mboji zitaanzishwa wilaya ya Kinondoni na kugharamiwa na Halmashauri ya Baraza la Kinondoni, Wizara ya Ushirikiano wa Kiuchumi na Maendeleo ya Ujerumani na Jiji la Hamburg.

Msingi mwingine ulio dhahiri wa urafiki baina ya majiji haya mawili ni „Wiki ya Ushirikiano“, ambayo hufanyika jijini Hamburg kila mwaka. Mnamo mwaka 2014 shughuli hiyo ilifanyika kutoka tarehe 18 hadi 28 Septemba, 2014. Wageni zaidi ya 90 kutoka Tanzania, mingoni mwao wanasiasa na wawakilishi wa vyama vya kiraia walizuru jiji la Hamburg na kushuhudia wiki ya ushirikiano iliyokuwa na mafanikio.  

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