
January 28, 2016

Deputy Head of Mission, German Embassy John Reyels addresses Holocaust Remembrance Day

Deputy Head of Mission, German Embassy John Reyels (right), exchanging ideas with UN Communications Officers, Stella Vuzo (left) and Usia Nkhoma Ledama.

It is hard to find the right words after watching this film about the holocaust.

Looking at the pictures of the victims I feel deep deep sorrow, I feel anger and I also feel guilt. Because the crimes we have just seen were committed by my people, by the German people.

I can only stand here today and talk to you as a guest of honor of this commemoration because my government, the government of Germany, has taken responsibility for the crimes that were committed by the German people.

Never again must Jewish people be treated with disrespect. Never again must Jewish people suffer hatred. Never again must Jewish be killed. Never again must Germany allow Jewish people to be turned into victims anywhere else in the world.

We Germans feel that our responsibility goes beyond that. Never again also means that we must not allow any foreigners or any group of people in our country to suffer hatred, disrespect or prosecution.
We believe that these are very important rules for any country. But how do we make sure we live by these rules? How do we make sure that hatred does not grow again?

One of the best ways to ensure this is to do exactly what all of us are doing today. To remember. Looking at the pictures we have just seen – even though they hurt. Hearing survivors talk of the things they went through – even though listening to their stories is painful. Allowing us to be touched by what we see and hear.

We need to continue spreading the words of the holocaust, of the inconceivable crimes that were committed by the German people. Every student in the world should know about them. Because everyone who knows, must feel the urge to say “Never again”. Now you also know. I want all of us to stand up and to say together “Never again” – “Isitoke tena”.

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